Link to download slideshow in MP4 format: Smurfette: Breaking Blue

lideshow best viewed by clicking the first image and using your < and > arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate the story.

Smurfette: BReaking Blue
AI-powered storytelling
By Jason Bryan

Making short parody films with AI

Microsoft Bing released the most amazing AI image generator update there has ever been! My mind is blown. (was already) However, this is a great opportunity for anyone who is feeling a lack of creativity lately to jump-start your imagination. What an amazing tool. Thank you to all the people working hard to bring magic to life, using this for 3 days to create this silly short film has been a trip.

I guess this is so new, does anyone know if anyone else is releasing slideshows or graphic comics like this using Bing’s AI? It is a blast to use, and definitely more room to learn to use it to polish.

But uhhh… hey… psst… know where a guy can get a steady supply of Microsoft points? 🙂

Download the MP4:  Smurfette: Breaking Blue