August 30th, 2024

Check out my latest project highlighting the suffering, misery, and death on the streets of my home town, Vancouver, care of the drug crisis and “harm reduction” under the current provincial NDP and federal Liberal governments:

Vancouver drug crisis misery music video 1:

“Deliver me from this madness”
Music by: No Papertrail
Video edits by: Jason Bryan
Video production by:

Vancouver drug crisis misery music video 2:

“Help me off the ground”
Music by: DJ Orion
Video edits by: Jason Bryan
Video production by:

Indy Canadian Author

Hey there, I’m Jason Bryan and welcome to my website. I’ve been writing and taking an interest in the human experience from a young age. I have a dozen or so books in the works, and I hope to release them much faster than the gap between my first two.

My third Canadian self-published book, released in 2024, is “Black Eye Friday” and it follows the lives of a handful of Canadians from all walks of life. From the dark, drug-fueled gutters, to high society and their affluent affairs, the paths of these people cross in an amusing crescendo of ridiculousness marinated in introspection. Can the most fucked up, or arrogant of us all, truly change? Maybe they’re beautiful just the way they are.

My second Canadian self-published book, released in 2021, is “The Shitkickers” and is written about a young man who gets his bicycle stolen in Vancouver. A modern day Vancouver vigilante story, the main character “Ken” takes the law into his own hands to recover his prized bike. Acting on impulse, he leaves behind a clue that leads to being blackmailed into working for a beautiful, and psychotic, redheaded temptress.

My first Canadian self-published book, released in 2013, is “City of Singles” and is written in a thought-stream style of a young man dating in Vancouver and his observations of the decline. The book predicted much of the future loneliness we are seeing, and despite the negative reviews written by trolls, the book proves itself right 10 years later. The second edition of City of Singles continues to examine the shifting sexual marketplace and the possible future consequences for society.

Black Eye Friday

The Shitkickers

City of Singles

Hyper-connected loneliness in a sex-soaked world.


He’s gonna get his bike back.
He’s Canadian Batman.

Chris Dw I on The Shitkickers